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Blog Press Releases

Jan 26, 2021

(Ten wpis na blogu jest dostępny wyłącznie w języku angielskim.)

COINQVEST Partners with nTokens to Bring Enterprise Cryptocurrency Payment Processing to Brazil

COINQVEST announced its collaboration with Brazilian digital currency provider nTokens to offer its enterprise cryptocurrency processing platform, bringing the power of blockchain-based payment processing to businesses and markets in Brazil.

COINQVEST Partners with nTokens to Bring Enterprise Cryptocurrency Payment Processing to Brazil

Portuguese version / Versão em português

COINQVEST allows Brazilian merchants to accept payments in BTC, ETH, XLM, and other major cryptocurrencies or stablecoins. Merchants can then convert in real-time and deposit Brazilian Real to their bank accounts. nTokens provides payment rails on the novel instant payment network PIX.

nTokens is the first Brazilian Real anchor provider on the Stellar Network blockchain and provides services to move funds between banks and crypto wallets. Their product provides instant and programmable conversion between digital and traditional representations of BRL. Brazilian enterprises can now enjoy the advantages of a digital currency system and easily deposit BRL into their banks.

COINQVEST’s platform, with adoption of the nTokens, brings immediate benefits to Brazilian merchants ease of use and reduced transaction costs (compared to credit card processors or PayPal), quicker settlement times, fiat bank deposits, as well as secure and irreversible payments without chargebacks, and offer their customers flexibility to pay with cryptocurrencies alongside their current checkout system.

COINQVEST’s service offers solutions for developers and non-developers alike. A hosted checkout interface was created for lean businesses without web development personnel. For enterprises with a dedicated development team, COINQVEST’s powerful and well-documented API with white-label capability is available for greater control and customization.

”Cryptocurrencies have rapidly improved the way payments can be accepted over the internet and lowered the entry barrier for merchants to start getting paid,” says Co-Founder Marcin Olszowy. "The COINQVEST platform is built on Stellar and offers seamless programmable cross-blockchain and bank transactions with security and speed.”

Thomaz Teixeira, Co-Founder and CEO at nTokens says, “nTokens enables digital assets to be transferred, traded and held in decentralized manner in compliance with legal requirements. We’re excited to work with COINQVEST to bring Brazilian Real payouts to local businesses and online shops.”

With the recent successful rollout of the Brazilian Central Bank’s PIX, an instant payment system, digital payments have the potential to grow at a rapid rate. Merchants and consumers can both have faith that digital payment systems will only grow and become more commonplace in Brazil. They will look to digital payment processors such as COINQVEST and nTokens.

COINQVEST understands that as a business, merchants want to focus time crafting the best product or service for customers, rather than worrying if payments are received, about high fees, or how to generate cryptocurrency tax records. COINQVEST’s meticulously designed platform takes care of these issues so that our customers can keep their minds on their business.


COINQVEST is a streamlined enterprise cryptocurrency payment gateway and API. Processing is secure and automatic, complete with beautifully designed back-end providing analytics, invoicing, and history to serve enterprise business needs.

Visit COINQVEST’s website:

About nTokens

nTokens is a programmable money company working to bring scalable and innovative approaches to global financial markets. nTokens initial product is a Brazilian Real stablecoin on the Stellar Network and Ethereum blockchains, which allows people and businesses to transition from banking fiat system to crypto finance and vice-versa.

Visit nTokens’s website:

About Stellar

Stellar is a decentralized, fast, scalable, and uniquely sustainable network for financial products and services. It is both a cross-currency transaction system and a platform for digital asset issuance, designed to connect the world's financial infrastructure. Dozens of financial institutions worldwide issue assets and settle payments on the Stellar network, which has grown to over 4 million accounts.

Visit the website:

Attribution: Header image by Brazilian Vectors by Vecteezy

Versão em Português

COINQVEST faz parceria com nTokens para trazer ao Brasil serviço de pagamentos em criptomoedas para comércio eletrônico com liquidação diretamente em Reais.

São Paulo - 27/Jan, 2021 - A COINQVEST, empresa européia de pagamentos com criptomoedas, anuncia a colaboração com a fintech brasileira nTokens para oferecer sua plataforma de processamento de criptomoedas ao mercado brasileiro, trazendo o processamento de pagamentos baseado em blockchain para empresas locais.

O serviço permite que empresas brasileiras de comércio eletrônico aceitem pagamentos em Bitcoin, Ether, Stellar Lumens e outras principais criptomoedas. Através da nTokens, as empresas podem receber os pagamentos diretamente em reais em sua conta bancária em poucos segundos via PIX.

"Criptomoedas têm melhorado rapidamente a forma com que pagamentos podem ser realizados via web, facilitando a entrada de novas empresas no comércio eletrônico", conta Marcin Olszowy, co-founder da COINQVEST.

Thomaz Teixeira, CEO e co-founder da nTokens, explica que a "nTokens permite que ativos digitais possam ser transferidos, negociados e detidos de modo descentralizado dentro da adequação aos requisitos legais. Estamos animados em trabalhar com a COINQVEST para trazer o pagamento digital em Reais para empresas locais e negócios online."

Recentemente as moedas digitais com lastro em moedas como real e dólar tem ganhado destaque e estão se tornando uma nova forma de realizar pagamentos, principalmente entre pessoas e empresas localizadas em países diferentes.


A COINQVEST é um gateway corporativo de pagamentos de criptomoedas. O processamento do gateway e das APIs é seguro e automatizado, complementado com processo interno de elegante apresentação de análise de dados, faturamento e histórico para atender as demandas das empresas.

Visite a página da COINQVEST:

Sobre a nTokens

A nTokens dá acesso a negócios inovadores e escaláveis aos mercados globais através de finanças programáveis. O produto inicial da nTokens é a representação de Reais na Rede Stellar, e Ethereum, permitindo que negócios transitem entre o sistema bancário e blockchain.

Visite a página da nTokens:

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