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Blog Panel Discussion

Nov 12, 2020

(Ten wpis na blogu jest dostępny wyłącznie w języku angielskim.)

Join us at Meridian 2020: Cash, Charge, or Crypto? Stellar for Merchants

“How would you like to pay for that — cash, charge, or crypto?” Establishing crypto as a viable payment option for merchants means creating easy, seamless APIs that retailers can use to accept cryptocurrency as easily as any other form of payment. Join our Session at Meridian 2020 to hear how COINQVEST and others build solutions to make this a reality for merchants.

Join us at Meridian 2020: Cash, Charge, or Crypto? Stellar for Merchants

Tune in to our panel discussion at Stellar's Meridian 2020 conference on November 19th, 10:55am PST to hear from COINQVEST's co-founder Stefan Schneider, Mark Heynen (Stellar's Vice President of Business Development), Mary Saracco (CFO at Settle Network), and Eric Kryski (Bidali's CEO and Founder). They'll be discussing digital assets and cryptocurrencies as viable payment option for forward-thinking businesses and e-commerce platforms.

November 19th 2020, 10:55am PST


The Stellar Development Foundation's Meridian 2020 conference will be broadcasted live via stream and is available for everyone. Register at to join.

The Speakers

Stefan Schneider, Co-Founder, COINQVEST

Stefan Schneider is Co-Founder of COINQVEST, an enterprise cryptocurrency payment gateway for online merchants built on Stellar. COINQVEST allows online shops to accept digital currencies from their clients and directly settle in their fiat currency. The platform eliminates currency volatility risks for merchants, facilitates customer management and ensures tax compliance. Stefan is a tech entrepreneur with 20 years experience in building digital business models in Asia and Europe.

Mark Heynen, VP BizDev, SDF

Mark has led go to market in emerging markets for large and small companies, from Google's initial push into maps in the mid 2000s to Facebook's early mobile efforts and ultimately launching PayJoy, a Silicon Valley-based fintech, in 20 countries. He currently serves as VP of Business Development at the Stellar Development Foundation.

His focus has been on analyzing markets, structuring transformational partnerships, hiring highly functional teams in market, and then producing revenue quickly with great unit economics. He has also raised ~$100M in early stage VC, venture debt, and SPV debt financing across four companies he built, and advised companies on fundraising.

Prior to moving to Silicon Valley in 2006, Mark split his time between India and London, founding and running his first startup, Electrobug Technologies. As this company had clients in 18 countries and 250+ staff in India through a wholly owned subsidiary, Mark learned firsthand of the challenges and opportunities of working in emerging markets, and is currently an advisor for a number of startups.

Mark graduated magna cum laude from Amherst College with a degree in Economics and History.

Mary Saracco, CFO, Settle Network

Mary Saracco, a former Investment Professional at the World Bank Group serves as co-founder and CFO at Settle Network and StableX. Her experience as an Investment Banker at UBS gives her a prominent background in traditional banking, emerging markets and economics. Mary was the CFO at Zeppelin Solutions, a blockchain security infrastructure company that has supported projects such as ShapeShift, Augur, Brave, BitGo, between others. Mary directed the first blockchain efforts at the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and collaborated at the Blockchain Lab. Mary is currently a guest expert at the Oxford Blockchain Strategy Programme from Said Business School at Oxford University.

Eric Kryski, CEO & Co-Founder, Bidali

Eric Kryski is a computer scientist, entrepreneur, closet economist, and the CEO of Bidali — a Canadian financial infrastructure company that uses blockchain technology to provide better, cheaper and more transparent financial services. This year he spoke in Davos during the World Economic Forum on the future of money and is the chair of the Canadian Blockchain Consortium FinTech committee.

Register Here

The Stellar Development Foundation's Meridian 2020 conference will be broadcasted live via stream and is available for everyone. Register at to join. This session will be broadcasted at on November 19th 2020, 10:55am PST

meridian 2020livepanel
Marcin Olszowy
Marcin Olszowy Co-Founder
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