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Sep 17, 2021

(Ten wpis na blogu jest dostępny wyłącznie w języku angielskim.)

The Advantages of Using Hosted Checkouts

A hosted checkout page, which is essentially a checkout web form that is developed, maintained, and hosted by a payment facilitator, is one of the most common ways to accept payments for an online business. Using a hosted checkout page is thought to be simple, quick, and secure. 

The Advantages of Using Hosted Checkouts

Customers' perceptions of your business are influenced by their e-commerce checkout experience. Cart abandonment and repeat sales can both be positively influenced by using a simple, quick process that requires little effort. A hosted checkout is an easy and affordable way to provide a smooth shopping experience for small and medium-sized businesses.

A hosted checkout is a page that is hosted on a third-party website and uses the servers of that website. It manages the entire checkout procedure, which includes:

  • Customer information being securely gathered
  • Payments being processed.
  • Creating payment receipts or confirmations.

Nothing passes through your network or is stored on your local servers because the hosted checkout provider handles everything, reducing your compliance burden and set up challenges.

If you're just getting started with your online business, hosting the checkout process outside of your site can be a good option. As a prospective online merchant, you can get hosted solutions from a variety of providers you already know and trust. They're also simple to set up and incorporate into your e-commerce store. You'll be ready to start making online sales sooner because you won't have to worry about how to set up secure payments.

What's the difference between an onsite and a hosted checkout?

On-site checkout is a feature that lives on your website. The checkout process occurs on your website and sends transaction data to a payment processor or gateway. This type of checkout takes longer to design, set up, and maintain, but it has the potential to help an established business grow.

On the other hand, as mentioned above, a hosted checkout handles all functions of checkout outside of your website. The hosted checkout provider collect and process all necessary data, makes sure payments are processed correctly, and generates receipts and confirmations.

What is the procedure for using a hosted checkout?

The first step in using a hosted checkout for your e-commerce transactions is to integrate the solution into your website. After you've completed the basic setup, you can choose which payment methods you want to accept and make any platform customizations you want, such as adding a logo or changing the platform's colors. With COINQVEST, this is a relatively simple and quick process.

When a customer makes a purchase on your site, the hosted checkout process looks like this:

  • The items are selected and placed in a shopping cart.
  • When the customer is ready to pay, he or she clicks a "checkout" or "buy now" button.
  • The customer is redirected to your hosted checkout page when they click the button.
  • The customer enters payment, billing, and shipping information, or selects a payment method from an existing account.
  • The customer can review their order during the hosted checkout process.
  • The customer completes the transaction and is returned to your website.

If you're using a popular third-party solution with which many of your customers already have accounts, the entire process could take as little as a few minutes.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of onsite vs. hosted checkout?

Whether you go with a hosted or onsite solution, your goal should be to make the e-commerce checkout process as simple as possible. You and your customers can benefit from hosted solutions in a variety of ways, including:

  • Using a well-known third-party solution can help build customer confidence in your company and brand.
  • To set up the checkout, you don't need a lot of technical or coding knowledge. You can quickly begin accepting a variety of payment methods. Because of your simplified checkout process, more customers are likely to complete orders.
  • The settings are simple to change and have no effect on the appearance or performance of your site.
  • Customer information is kept secure by the hosted checkout provider, which reduces your compliance scope, limits liability, and lowers fraud-related costs.

When it comes to reputation, marketing, and customer satisfaction, both hosted and onsite checkout options have advantages for your business. A hosted solution will meet your needs if you want to get your e-commerce store up and running quickly and without a lot of back-end work. Evaluate your options through the eyes of your customers to find a platform designed to deliver the best possible experience and leave a good impression of your brand.

To get started with Hosted CheckOuts, please check this guide

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Martin Dominic Banguis
Martin Dominic Banguis Contributor
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