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Blog Guides

Apr 21, 2022

(Ten wpis na blogu jest dostępny wyłącznie w języku angielskim.)

A Guide to White-Label Crypto Payment Processing with Brand Connect

This guide walks you through the steps to set up a fully white-labeled cryptocurrency payment flow for payment service providers or digital commerce companies.

A Guide to White-Label Crypto Payment Processing with Brand Connect

Brand Connect customizes COINQVEST's hosted checkouts to your own brand, web domain, custom logo, images, and fully skinned UI. It can run on or on your own web domain with a simple docker container deployment.

Brand Connect specifically caters to payment service providers who want to take advantage of COINQVEST's all-in-one checkout flow under their own corporate identity, including all its perks, such as exception handling for overpaid, underpaid, multiple transactions, refunds, or customer management. Of course we won't stop you if you are not a payment service provider and simply want to make your online shop's checkout page match your website's overall look and feel.

Default vs Hosted Checkouts

Brand Configuration

You can configure the appearance of your checkouts via our Brand Connect web interface in your account settings. Follow these steps to get your custom branding up and running.

  1. Enable Brand Connect in your account settings
  2. Configure Brand Information, Images, Fonts, and Colors

That's it. Your checkout pages are now customized with your company's company logo, favicon, custom crypto images, font types, and your very own color scheme. You can inspect your checkout URLs and will notice that your custom UI skin is already applied and there is no mention of COINQVEST being your service provider.

Web Domain Configuration

By default your custom branding runs on the web domain but you can choose to make your checkouts accessible through your very own web domain instead. This is particularly useful if you provide payment services to your clients and want to use COINQVEST but host the checkout flow in your own web application or APIs and maintain the full appearance of your own corporate identity.


Web domain integration is implemented by deploying the Brand Connect docker container into your own hosting environment and pointing your desired custom web domain at it via DNS config. The docker container acts as a proxy for HTTP traffic between the public and the COINQVEST servers and enables your custom branded UI. Follow these steps to host checkouts under your own domain.

  1. Enable Brand Connect in your account settings
  2. Configure Brand Information, Images, Fonts, and Colors
  3. Specify the web domain you would like your checkouts to live on and obtain your CQ_BRANDING_KEY (by completing the steps above)
  4. Deploy the Brand Connect docker container by using the branding key and your own SSL certificate.
  5. Point your web domain's DNS configuration at the IP address you're running the docker container on.

That's it. Your COINQVEST checkout pages now live on your very own web domain and are fully integrated with your corporate identity's look and feel.

White-Label API

If none of this is for you because you want to maintain full control of the UI and entire checkout process and not get involved with any type of third-party hosted UIs that aren't built by yourself, we got you covered too. Our APIs provide all the tools you need to create charges, receive deposit addresses, monitor blockchains for incoming funds, currency conversions, payment notifications, and more. Please check out this guide or the official docs to get started with white-label APIs.

brand connectwhite label
Marcin Olszowy
Marcin Olszowy Co-Founder
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