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How can I create an invoice / payment link in the user account?

Whalestack is an API based payment processing platform for merchants. It is built with programmatic integration with online shops and e-commerce sites in mind. However, it also provides a convenient user interface to create charges in your web browser, bill customers, and get paid without the use of any code.

Use Cases

This is for those who have no technical or coding background. This is checkout method applies to freelancers, consultants, and remote digital workers.

We’ll show you how to create a charge and a hosted checkout page, which contains all the information needed for your customer to make the payment in his or her favorite cryptocurrency.

This will allow you to create a shareable Payment Link to be sent to your clients and customers. You can also add the URL to invoices, email and shared documents.

Let’s Get Started.

There are multiple ways to create an invoice/payment link from your user account. One method is to go to the Navigation Menu and select Create Checkout. Upon clicking Create Checkout, a pop-up window will appear. From there you can start selecting the billing currency.

Once you have selected the Billing Currency, you will be prompted to select the Settlement Currency. Whalestack automatically converts payments and credits you in currency in your account. This is typically also the customer facing billing currency.

After selecting the settlement currency, you will be able to fill in details for goods and services, as well as optional shipping costs, taxes, or discounts. Next, you need to fill in the details for Customer Information.

After filling up the form, you will then have the chance to review the information prior to the creation of the Invoice / Payment Link.

If all information is correct, then you can proceed by clicking the Get Checkout URL Button. The Checkout Page / Link will be created and is ready for sharing.

Please also view our guide for non-developers.

Last Update: Oct 2, 2023

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